Monday, August 31, 2020

I looked at the following Blogs:  Cordova Patricia, George Emily, and Hughes JJ. I thought all three were excellent.

Very impressed with their insights, comments, and rational for choosing their backgrounds and the overall appearance.

All three had distinctive tones  that were unique and would make me want to read their blogs and follow them. I think that is one of the main points of this class: to attract followers to promote your products and have someone follow you. To me, all three were successful.

I need to step up my game because these three had great first time comments and after reading my fellow students I need to get more creative.


Greg Burke

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Week #1 My Template and Weekly Blog

I chose this template because I like the vivid color.  I am hoping this class helps me gain an understanding on social media and how I can use it to expand my companies business. Currently, we do next to nothing with social media and I hope I can change that.

We do use LinkedIn for some announcements regarding new products but that is the extent of our social media campaign.

I think LinkedIn and Twitter are probably the best avenues for promoting our business but perhaps there are others that can help us. My company has received any value from participating in LinkedIn. I can't think of a single incident where someone actually contacted regarding our products through social media. I am sure that is a reflection of how poorly we promote it.

Facebook is probably the best social media website for personal connections but I don't use it and I am not a big fan of Mark Zuckerberg. However, I do realize this is the most popular way to stay in touch with family and friends.

Personally, I am a private person and keep a low profile. Maybe by taking this class I will be more open to sharing personal information online. Just have to wait and see.


Greg B

CSIT 155 FA 20 GregB - Week 16 Wrapping it Up

When I first started thinking about taking this class I  discussed this with our owner and her response was that Social Media was primarily ...