Friday, September 4, 2020

CSIT 155 - FA 20 - GregB

How does social media make it easier to get noticed or get your problem solved?

Social media can help you get noticed or solve your problem through the following methods:

First, it can allow your product or company to brand itself and come up with a format for addressing 

your brand or issue. Once you have an established brand you can have a purpose that helps you from

posting about the products without any specific goals.  By listening to your customers you can find out 

what is important  to them and better understand through their feedback what your trying to market and 

if there is a problem on how to fix this.  The response is immediate and timely. As stated in the text, by 

listening to your customers one can champion things that are important to the customer rather than 

what you think is important. The feedback is more immediate and essential to improving your brand.

Social Media helps identify your audience. Once you have a goal for your particular product or brand

you can better target the customer base. For example, in my company we try to roll out a new product 

every few months. However, this is the old way of doing business and not very effective. With our last

product offering I had a customer email me ( we marketed this through LinkedIn ) and asked me why

we did not contact our customers first before rolling out a new product. This was a good lesson and 

helped me understand that the customer needs to be involved in this process.

How does the roll of social media differ from the past?

The previous way of communicating to a company or its products was through things like yellow page 

ads, mailers, catalogs, trade shows, and customer surveys. Not that these forms of communication are

completely gone but as stated in the text, they were far too sweeping and failed to capture a target

audience. The new way to target your customers is with specific targeting criteria.  For example, the

new method of using Facebook with their many different ways to target a customer base, one can get

specific and target a customer through interests and workplace. For my company, we use LinkedIn to

target purchasing agents.We have had some success and I think a combination of all these types of 

methods with social media as our main focus with help grow our brand.

What types of comments do you share if your review a product or business? 

I use social media like Yelp to either leave a good review or negative review depending on my 

experience. I found this process anonymous and unforgiving. I am sure most owners are not

wild about having someone destroy their business online with negative comments. To me

if your a vindictive person you can really hurt someone's business or service. And there is really

no way to verify the comments. So although I use Yelp I can see where it has its devastating effects.

I also, use Travel Velocity and when we travel I try and use this to promote the virtues of a nice hotel

or a great experience. And I notice I rely on this more and more for travel advice. I try and stay 

positive and in turn rely on previous customers comments for making some of my travel decisions.

If it was your business on social media, how would your respond to a positive or negative 


I don't think you can ignore a negative comment. Probably the worst thing you can do. The text 

states you need to be a good listener.  If the product or experience is bad I would apologize and

try and make it up to the customer. Basically, I was taught the customer is always right.

Additionally, I don't think its very wise to make false and misleading statements. Best

to be honest and direct. I would try and be polite and reply right away. From my 

experience small issues become big problems if ignored and what distinguishes me in my

area of expertise is that I always deal with problems and try and show some empathy.

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CSIT 155 FA 20 GregB - Week 16 Wrapping it Up

When I first started thinking about taking this class I  discussed this with our owner and her response was that Social Media was primarily ...