Monday, September 28, 2020

CSIT -155 - FA20 - Greg B - Week 5 Marketing Facebook

Question #1  

A post reach is the number of people that have seen your content on your Facebook page within a specific time period.

A post reach is the number of people who saw a certain post of your Facebook page.

Which means for every page posted, you can see the number of people you actually reached.

It is a statistic used to determine the number of people who have viewed your content.

A post engagement will include all the actions that people have take regarding your ads that you may be running. A post engagement includes such actions like commenting or sharing and ad, viewing one's photo's, or actually clicking on a link.

Question #2

This is important because the actual engagement can boost one's posts, it can help promote your page to others, can actually result in someone claiming your offer on your page. And finally, this helps raise your attendance at an event or your page.

The goal is to increase viewers comments on your page and you want users to value your page and the posts.

Question #3

 A business can you insights to help deliver your marketing message. This is tool used to help target your customers. A business can use such metrics as : demographics, age, purchasing behavior, geography, all are tangible and measured.

One you have accumulated these statistics you can structure your marketing campaign by using this  data.

One example would be to find out what a persons interest is by measuring the total actions on a page. You can measure how many users clicked on get directions to find your business, the website button, the phone number, and the action button. You can further break down this metric by classifying your target audience by age, gender, county, and the area where they reside. This is an important tool and one I plan on exploring for my own employer.


I looked at Jumpingkellybean and thought it was clean and I liked the color scheme that was used. Looks like she is into gaming and this is a very hot market.

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