Monday, October 12, 2020

CSIT 155 - FA20 GBurke - Week 7 Get Visual

 Part 1 Student Review:

Jumping Kelly Bean

I thought her Instagram was relevant to her theme which is gaming. She posted some nice pictures which included her with headphones and participating in a gaming event. She is is on Twitch and this is an online gaming format posted competitions. She is doing good with all the pictures which help identify her brand.

Heather Williams -

I like Heathers Instagram. Looks very clean, with warm rustic pictures. Reminds me of the couple that had the home decorating show and own Magnolia Farms. Definitely, stylish and I would follow her to see how this grows. I like the story telling format. Good job.

Part 2 Company Reviews:

I picked three of the largest athletic shoe manufacturers to see how they promote their brands on Instagram.


Nike is considered the largest brand in the world. They have the 4th largest following on Instagram. They publish posts at least once a week and they utilize very, high quality imagery and produce professionally constructed videos.

They stay consistent by highlighting sport athletes and teams aligning the brand and their content with the community that follows them.

Under Armour

They engage their customers through using powerful images. The use hashtags for calls to actions. This generate shares and likes. They try and stay consistent by the promotion of imagery reflecting images of winning and success. The image is one of success and they try and stay consistent.

New Balance

New Balance follows a social content theme. 

Their strategy is threefold:

First, introduce the public to the brand.

Second, provide tools, information, inspiration, and encouragement. They are educating their customer base and want to personally connect with their followers. 

Finally, they celebrate sports achievements. They like to give a shot out to winners and follow this through their Facebook page.

Some of their best posts include details on behind the scene videos demonstrating how their shoes are made.

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CSIT 155 FA 20 GregB - Week 16 Wrapping it Up

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