Saturday, December 5, 2020

CSIT 155 - FA 20: GregB - Homework Week 14 Social

Durable USA

Part 1

My company is a manufacturer and distributor of industrial casters and wheels. In order to build our online presence and increase our maximum search engine optimization I think we could benefit by using the following metrics through Google Analytics.

1. How do we stack up against our competition? Fortunately most of our competitors still think the business model for the caster & wheel business is a traditional brick and mortar type of business. After taking this class I now realize we can expand the scope of our footprint by taking steps to increase our web identity. This does not mean setting up an online website whereby customers can order but rather engaging in a more dynamic marketing program that tells our story vs. the competition. We need to sell potential customers on our brand.

Facebook allows us to help identify some of these statistics to help examine our marketing program. One example, is measuring the amount of likes we receive. 

2. We can measure what regions are customers are located. This would help areas of growth opportunities. For example, should we target market food equipment manufacturers on the West Coast vs. the East Coast or South.

3. It would be useful knowing knowing whether customers are downloading our catalog or prints to distinguish buyers from shoppers.

4. Analyze which websites are sending us traffic or visitors. This information would help us focus on which search engines are helping us in referrals.

5. Our ranking on Google, which right now is very low.

6. Finding out what products our visitors are looking at. This would help us structure the particular casters to promote.

Finally, do our customers that engage on our website actually buy?  Difficult to measure but by using such a website as Facebook the more likes we have the better our chances for increasing sales.

Part II

I don't have anywhere near enough likes to process the data from Facebook but I will try to extrapolate using the data from Aztec as it applies to my business.

The Covid Pandemic has also affected our business in numerous ways with many unforeseeable results.  In the Spring we saw a huge spike in orders from customers that were trying to convert and use existing and most often idle machinery and utilize their workers to build equipment for Covid related applications. Ventilators,  respirators, IV Poles, you name it and we were shipping casters for these type of requirements. So for a few months it was all hands on deck and business was booming. Most of the requests came from either an existing customer or a referral. For example, I sold 80,000 2" casters for IV poles for the State of MI. I would summarize by stating our reach was extending to all sectors of the market all over North America. Even saw a boost in orders from Canada.

After the initial rush, things began to slow down and we hit a lull during late summer. By Fall, business started picking up again and has remained steady with several new projects in the pipeline. So the data would show two peaks and valley with a rise starting in late August.

Most of the reach was existing customers using our stock to fill hot orders.

One can infer likes are growing and we are engaging with many new clients. Some were from linkedin since we are posting more and on a more consistent basis. But the data does not lie and we have seen a spike in non traditional customers due to the buzz in the marketplace.

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